The Five-Point Program

The Five-Point Program

Rational Self-Interest is a life-loving system based on objective reality and reason that we, the members of Restore Reason, passionately adhere to. We are now ready for something that goes quite a few steps beyond just explaining our principles. Every revisionist movement needs a set of goals and guidelines that are clear, concrete, and that will effect significant change.

Restore Reason
"Truth, Freedom, Beauty, Romance"

The following Five-Point Program reflects attitudes which allow others to decide whether they wish to align themselves with us or not. Each is necessary for change to take place. When you're asked what we're "doing," here's the answer:
  1. Overhuman Ideal: the conceptual model of men and women as erotic and heroic super-beings of free will, with their own happiness as the moral purpose of their lives, productive achievement as their noblest activity, sensuality as an expression of their self-esteem, and reason as their only absolute;
  2. Rational Self-Interest: the thoughts, choices, actions, and feelings that express a morality based on objective reality and reason – more practically expressed in The Eleven Statements of Rational Self-Interest;
  3. Private Property: the individual right of every man and woman to choose their own values, to control their own existence, to achieve their own goals, to choose the work the they like, and to trade their own product or service for the products and services of others;
  4. Individual Sovereignty: the natural and inalienable right of every man and woman to life, liberty, property, voluntary association, self-determination, and the pursuit of happiness;
  5. Natural Order: the ability of every man and woman to survive by their own strength, to succeed by their own merits, and to leave a legacy of good health, high intelligence, and noble character to future generations.
This is the encapsulated version of our current thrust of defining the conditions that make an ideal man or woman possible. So now when someone asks you, "Well, what do members of Restore Reason do?", you will be qualified to tell them.

The Eleven Statements of Rational Self-Interest
  1. I mold my appearance and environment to suit my aim
  2. I take full responsibility for my life
  3. I use reason to explore the realities of existence
  4. I communicate patterns that influence outcomes
  5. I live my purpose everyday
  6. I never give up
  7. I keep myself in peak physical condition
  8. I make money work for me
  9. I indulge my senses regularly
  10. I only associate with individuals who share my values
  11. I survive by the strength of my mind and body
For more information on how to become a member of Restore Reason, click on the following link:

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